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Галина Симеонова е журналистка от Карлово. От 1988 г. е запленена от изкуството "калоферска дантела". Според нея българските модели са прекрасни, с удоволствие ги работи и с гордост разкрива създателките им. Непрекъснато се стреми да усъвършенства уменията си. Създава свои модели, които се вписват в бита и създават уют на съвременния дом. Създава богати и разнообразни колекции за украса на традиционните празници Коледа, Нова година, Великден и за други поводи. Демонстрира плетенето на калоферска дантела пред наши и чужди туристи. Galina Simeonova has been a journalist in the Karlovo for more than 30 years. Brussels lace is her captivating hobby. She graduated a course in Bobbin /Brussels/ lace in 1988 in the town of Kalofer which is famous with its Brussels/Kalofer lace masters. She has been a member of Fenix Idea Center – Sofia since 2000. The objective of the center is to preserve, develop and make popular the unique tradition of the Brussels lace that is called in Bulgaria Kalofer lace because of the place where it is made. “I had a great chance to be taught by the best masters of Brussels/Kalofer lace in Bulgaria – Ms. Penka Opeva and Ms. Tanka Popova. It has been more than 20 years now that I devote most of my time to this ancient art. During the numerous hours that I spend for work on the cylinder I study the complex and unique in beauty Bulgarian models. I perfect myself while I am in search of new and different ideas in order to leave something from myself for those who are to come. I strive to enrich the model, according to its use, to leave my own stamp on it, to give a new idea. I endeavor to reach the refinement and exquisiteness typical of this type of art. At the same time I try to preserve the tradition of the Bulgarian masters. It is no accident that Brussels lace is called “The Queen of Lace.” It has been a pleasure for me to demonstrate for 20 years now the way Brussels lace is made in the ancient town of Nessebar before the numerous Bulgarian as well as foreign tourist during the summer months. This provides me with the unique chance for precious acquaintances and contacts. Lace made by me decorates numerous Bulgarian homes and is part of family collections in more than 35 countries, i.e. Germany, England, USA, Norway, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, etc.” “The making of each model is a pleasure for me. The contacts with connoisseurs of Brussels lace from all over the world makes me very happy and inspires me with many new ideas. I dream of creating my own models.” Galina Simeonova Bulgaria, 4300 Karlovo, 4A Gen.Skobelev Street.
град: Карлово
ул."Ген. Скобелев"№4 А
област: Пловдивска
пощ. код: 4300
Лице за контакти: Галина Симеонова
мобилен 1: 0898/548 115
Email 1: galina_10@abv.bg
Email 2: simeonov_78@abv.bg